What is Congenital Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency?
Congenital Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency (CSID) is a rare genetic disorder first discovered in 1960 by Weijers and colleagues.1 The disorder is caused by pathogenic mutations in the sucrase-isomaltase gene (SI).
It is a disease of the small intestine characterized primarily by a failure to metabolize sucrose for intestinal absorption.
- Weijers HA, van de Kamer JH, Mossel DA, Dicke WK. Diarrhoea caused by deficiency of sugar-splitting enzymes. Lancet. 1960;2(7145):296-297.
Order a 13C-Sucrose Breath Test
Do you have patients suffering with unresolved IBS-like symptoms including gas, bloating, diarrhea, and/or nausea? Could it be CSID? Order Breath Test kits* for your office.
*Breath tests are provided at no charge and are not billed to the patient or any third party payor. Please do not charge for the administration or interpretation of this test.
Order Sucraid®
Sucraid® is available by prescription only through a specialty pharmacy. Call 1-833-800-0122.
Here are the steps for filling a prescription for Sucraid® from the specialty pharmacy:
- The physician must complete the Sucraid® Prescription Form and fax it to 1-866-850-9155
- The specialty pharmacy will contact the patient directly to schedule delivery of Sucraid®
- Sucraid® will be shipped to the patient’s home or the physician’s office
- For refill orders or any questions, call the specialty pharmacy 1-833-800-0122
What is Sucraid®?
Sucraid® is the only FDA-approved enzyme replacement therapy indicated for the treatment of genetically determined sucrase deficiency, which is a part of Congenital Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency (CSID).
Sucraid® is an enzyme replacement therapy that facilitates the breakdown of sucrose (sugar) into monosaccharides for absorption by the small intestine. It has been shown to help alleviate the gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms associated with CSID, and, as a result, patients can maintain a more normal diet that includes sucrose-containing foods.
Prior Authorization Forms
Sucraid® is an orphan therapy that is distributed through a specialty pharmacy and requires supportive information. For information on diagnosis codes, testing information, and how to access our prior authorization database, click here.
Explore the eDetail
Find more information about how Sucraid® treats CSID and to access breath test kits, dietary guides, testimonial videos, and more.